R2B Training Guides
These training guides will provide step-by-step instructions on how to navigate and use the various functionalities of the Ready2Be platform.
Organization Manager
Create and Manage Groups
Learn how to create groups within Ready2Be and manage Trainees and Instructors assigned to the Group.
Inviting New Trainees
Invite new Trainees to create their Ready2Be account.
Create New Assignment and Add Trainee
Learn how to create a new Assignment and assign it to Trainees.
Review Creator Interviews
Learn how to review and approve or deny the interviews that have been submitted by Creators.
Create Interview Assignment and Assign to Trainees
Create a new interview assignment and assign Trainees.
Create a New Interview
Create a new interview to submit for approval. Must have Creator ability for this task.
Managing Interview Assignments
Learn how to manage created interview assignments.
Reviewing and Scoring an Interview
Learn how to review and provide feedback on a submitted interview.
Print Assignment Report from Assignment Page
Learn how to print the assignment report from the assignment page.
Printing Assignment Report for Individual Trainees
Learn how to print the assignment report for individual Trainees from the Trainee account page.
Invite Instructors and Trainees
Review Created Content
Create Assignments
Create new interview assignments
Review and evaluate completed assignments
Print reports
Complete Interview Assignments
Review and Respond to Evaluations from Instructor